Wednesday 24 August 2011

Week 7b~ Database OpenOffice Base

Assignment 9~Student Management Database

Now!!! For the last task, assignment number 9!!! We have to plan, create and edit a simple database..well not so ‘simple’ actually.. for student management information using OpenOffice Base in a creative, innovative and ethical ways. To do so, you need to:
 Plan the data structure for Student management information for each table (only use student name in Student Table, but not others):
 Tables: Create table in Design view (4 separate tables
·         student table(use student ID as a Primary key)
·         parent table (use student ID as a Primary key)
·         curriculum table (use student ID as a Primary key)
·         co-curriculum table(use student ID as a Primary key)
 Tool->Relationship: Create relationships between tables by linking the student ID (That is why not to create student name for other tables except Student Table!)
 Use Wizard to Create Form:
·         Student Form
·         Parent Form
·         Curriculum Form
·         Co-curriculum Form
 Data entry using Form (Note: do not use table for data entry)
 Create several queries from the database
 Create reports based on the queries
Reflection:This is an individual task and it IS quite easy..if you understand the instruction carefully. Using the Open Office Base, it makes our information organized, neat and simple. But to do it still quite challenging. Also!!! It can be used when we be the ‘real’ teacher. When the times come, it will just a piece of nuts for us since we already learnt it. Overall this subject was fun, challenging  and tricky to do but we learnt from experiences guys! This subject really helps me a lot and as a teacher, of course, I need to learn more about it without waiting for the time to come for me. Because we don’t want to suffer on the last day right..Nice meeting you all..the Open Office and company!haha..and special 'Thank You' to our lecturer and coordinator..Mr. YM Tg. Norazlan & Dr. Siti Fatimah..lastly, happy holiday guys and Happy Eid to all muslim..=D

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Week 7a~ Spreadsheet

Assignment 8b~ Excel

Based on assignment 8a, Week 7a, we have to do spreadsheet of financial management using Calc. Now, we going to use Excel to plan, create and edit a spreadsheet of students score and grade analysis , for this we need to use function in Excel to ‘define name’ for table of grade and score; VLOOKUP to refer to the grade of the score, STDEV and AVERAGE or the score; COUNTIF to calculate how many students for each grade; create suitable and meaningful graph Graph; sort to rank the highest to the lowest score for each subject; filter to select based on certain queries.
Means to say, you need to find and determine this:
  •         Define name
  •          Fill Series
  •          VLOOKUP
  •          STDEV
  •          AVERAGE
  •          COUNTIF
  •          Graph
  •          Sort
  •        Filter

As a teacher trainee who going to be teacher, knowing this was superb important for me. Because using this assignment, I can key in my future student’s mark and see their performance using the graph, also one of the function in Excel like this;

to this type of graph>>>

Week 7a~ Spreadsheet

Assignment 8a~ Spreadsheet. Calc

We done something different more related to th previous task..we need to plan, create and edit a simple one year personal financial management (income and spending) spreadsheet using Calc .First, we need to name the sheet according to the month ; ie Aug11, Sept11 …. on..Then, create a formula to calculate a balance for each month (ie. balance of august – will be added to the balance of sept). Link the formula between the sheets. Lastly, upload the file to google docs (spreadsheet) and edit it if necessary since you need to do it individually. Share with your lecturers.
Doing this task like I’m doing MY personal financial management and it was fun! Now, I know how I can control my allowance with a tight budget so more..bla bla bla...It is really beneficial for me and my friends to know where our money flow..just like a water..and using Calc. was like using Excel but much more interesting. So guys, why don’t you try to discover it??? So, here was my spreadsheet of my salary..really wait for that moment!! So long!

Example financial management for December 2011

Friday 12 August 2011

Week 6~ Creative Effective Multimedia Production

Assignment 7a~ Impress

For this week ,we have to create a presentation kit using Impress. But!!! Based on assignment 5 - mini research that we have done create a good presentation using Impress, make sure you..

  • follow the guideline/rule for good presentation skills.
  • upload the presentation using Google doc and share it with your course mate. Edit the presentation if necessary.

Impress??? Of course! I’m really impress with ‘ Impress’ look just like like a twin to Microsoft Power Point. But actually, it was totally different the way to handle it. Quite challenging at first, but it was fun..anyway..we done it!!!

Monday 8 August 2011

Week 5~ Bookfold


Now, this week, we got to plan, design and create a booklet using bookfold function in Word. The content must related the topic for assignment 1,4,5. We can use the report in journal article format added by inserting related graphic as the content of the booklet. We have to use the graphics/image created using any graphic editors like we do in the brochure, the previous task. We have to make a cover using of the booklet..means using 2 Column since it like a book that have two sides. After doing this assignment, it had given me a new experience. Even though, I used almost my homework or task given by the lecturer using Microsoft Word, I never realized that it had such function like bookfold. So, for today lesson, always alert and updated yourself.. If I’m being alert and curious, I sure will discover this function before. So long, my friends! Opps! Here the booklet that we have created:

Week 5~Brochure


Hello guys! This time the task was to plan, design and create a brochure / leaflet using Microsoft Publisher . The content must related to the topic for assignment 1,4,5. For this assignment, we have to use the graphics/image created using any graphic editors mentioned like SmartArt in Powerpoint, Microsoft Paint, and etc. Here I had attached the brochure that we have created.. you can see below:

Thursday 4 August 2011

Week 4~ Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)

Assalamualaikum and hello guys
OK guys! Straight to our main point..our task today was to record and analysis the data that we collected before (based on previous weeks) using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Thanks to our lecturer YM Tg. Azlan Tg. Sulaiman, who guide us along the way to use this SPSS thing. From SPSS, we can get the frequencies of the data to be the input of our report of journal that we made before. Actually, using SPSS really makes our task easier..we do not have to calculate all the data manually..just a simple click can produce the an example:

Google courtesy

Google courtesy