Tuesday 26 July 2011

Week 3~ Course/ Learning Management System (C/LMS)

Salam and hello guys!
Firstly, sorry for the late update..
I know it took a years for to update, right? i'm really sorry about that..
Now, the update of task of week 3..
We had been given a task to do portfolio about Course/ Learning Management System (C/LMS)
Question: Explain and discuss critically and creatively about the use of Course/Learning Management System and Digital Portfolio

below are our task on C/LMS:


What is C/LMS?

C/LMS is a software where you can add, edit, manage your own online course, mostly for educational purpose. You do not need to know the HTML or other computer languages. Since it provides you with the sets of tools and models, things will be much easier for you to do the content of the online course. Besides, you also can determine who to access and on what  content of the course.   

where can we use C/LMS?

The education nowadays are moving forward towards the excellence and success. The students are more advance in using the technology tools and internet facilities. Hence, the C/LMS has become essential on campuses. This is because it is much easier for them to manage their education. All learners can easily access the C/LMS software as long as they have the computer and internet connection. Therefore, all people around the world can access and join C/LMS website as it is universal.

how  to use C/LMS?

first, sign up for an account on the website. it will always show you the steps and follow the instructions closely. then, organize the application and create a page. after that, create your own module. in order to avoid long descriptions,you can use the abbreviations. After that, create sections and categories for easier and systematic use. then, you can just displaying your contents for information sharing.

who can use C/LMS?

Anyone who involve in educational field can use C/LMS. AsC/LMS have become the essentials on campuses and have evolved in relating multifunctional way communication tools between faculty and students, the lecturers and the students are indirectly involved in this use of C/LMS. Besides, the instructors and the teachers are able to use C/LMS.  

Why use C/LMS?

As updated technology was growing like a mushroom after the rain nowadays, either do the C/LMS. They also play the same importance role for education field in learning and teaching. Since it also contain an administrative aspect that distribute directly to aspect of teaching. So,it is easier for the student to interact with the teachers directly from the online course. This software also can be followed by the student 24 hours per day.

Advantages of using C/LMS?

When using this device, you can save a lot of time on creating this course and the administrative system also automated. Students also can always survey and follow it anywhere and anytime they want. It also can keep student profile, which their can survey their student and helps them when needed. Also, only a few instructors needed to check the flow of this course, in order to make sure the student on the right track and correct them if they wrong.

List (Open source software)
  1. open source CMS- www.joomla.org
  2. UKM-SPIN -  www.spin.ukm.my
  3. Open source contents management platform- drupal.org
  4. Blackboard- www.blackboard.com


Retrieved July 25, 2011 from http://www.a3webtech.com/index.php/how-to-use-cms.html
Retrieved July 25, 2011 from http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/DEC0302.pdf

Course/ Learning Management System (C/LMS) is very important and essential to the teachers and students.
In this global world, everything must be updated and the one who can not follow the flow will be like jack in a box. The C/LMS contain an administrative aspect that distribute directly to aspect of teaching. So, student can interact with the teachers directly from the online course and can be followed 24 hours per day to get the information given by the instructors. The teachers also can monitor the students and helps them on the spot. That way we need to improvise more this online course in our education system.


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