Thursday 7 July 2011

First Week Class

Hello! this is the first week of study for us after the mid-term break. As being told by our Computer of Education lecturer's, Mr. Tg Norazlan b. Tg Sulaiman, to do some homework. We have to create:
  • Google account
  • Yahoo account
  • Yahoo group
  • Facebook (using google/yahoo account)
  • Facebook's Group
  • and this lovely official blog..
for those account, we have to put signature and invite our classmates, lecturer of the subject and the coordinator. It is a good things to learn to put the signature since i never even care about it before.huhu..for those who having any difficulties finding the signature< like me>, i will let you know:

  1. for yahoo.mail, you have to click at 'option's at your upper left side of your personal email. next, click at 'mail option'. then, you just need to click the signature tab.
  2. for g mail. you need to click at 'setting',under 'general' tab, you will find the 'signature'
p/s~ since it official account, we need to put our name, course, institution and the links to those account. easy right? just one click is needed to do it!

It is pretty easy to do this blog since it have the 'Getting Started' guys! you just obediently follow the instruction..then, tadaaa!!!you have create a blog!

this task have give us a lot of benefit and i'm really grateful to be able to do it.
that all for today lesson. sorry for any inconvenient. tq! 


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